Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 23

Week 23 has been pretty significant for many reasons. Dawn's belly has officially gotten larger and is more noticeable. The baby moves around all day long and Justin has been able to feel the baby kicking through Dawn's belly. We now believe that we have the busiest baby ever because it is rare that our baby doesn't move throughout the day. The baby doesn't recognize night vs day and we fear that our baby will never sleep or sit still once born! We definitely feel the baby has Justin's genes in this department from the Norris clan! The baby's ears now recognize our voices and we have started listening to a Mozart cd from our friend, Jill to help soothe the baby. Dawn often taps her belly while listening to music with hopes that the baby will come out a music genius. We hope the baby has Dawn's musical gifts! Everyday is turning out to be pretty incredible.

Sunny California has been beautiful and we enjoyed some time at Huntington Beach after seeing some old youth group girls from Hudsonville. We are enjoying each moment we have together while still able to go out as we wish without any distractions or other responsibilities. We sat outdoors reading our books and enjoying some coffee before taking a walk on the pier and enjoying the beach performers. It was a beautiful day! It was a nice break from the busy weeks involving work and school life and was a good time to catch up and begin planning our next few months.

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