Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lindsay came for her Spring Break

Our dear friend, Lindsay came for a visit and we were able to spend some quality time with her catching up and enjoying good food, weather, and conversation. She looks beautiful and is always nice seeing people from "home." Here are a few pictures from our time together and we can't wait to hang out again when we come to Michigan for Alina & Rick's wedding this summer. There is something special about being around someone who can finish your sentences and can read your mind without you even speaking. We welcome all other visitors! One of our friends asked Dawn if she knew Lindsay because "you sound the exact same when you talk." Dawn was happy to know that she still has her Michigan accent and was proud to hear that she hasn't conformed to any new lingo/vocabulary just because of the move to California. We are trying to keep our Michigan roots while living our new adventures in California.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the was so wonderful seeing you two, i always feel like you never left when we're together...but it still doesn't make saying goodbye any easier. love you guys!
